Friday, April 25, 2008

The Friday Archives

Claire at Loobylu has started a really neat blog project, "The Friday Archives". This is such a great idea and makes for an easy post too. A quick look through one of my sketchbooks on hand turned up this sketch from probably 1997. It was a sketch of what came to be an etching (can't seem to find any of that right now, hopefully soon).
I love the idea of this project as it will give a glimpse of how individual artists' styles have changed over the years as well as (most likely)adhered to a similar sense of theme or distinction.


Anonymous said...

How cool! I like your handwriting and note making style- was that part of the drawing or actual notes for later reference? Seems like this kind of thing would be helpful too if you ever felt blocked- you can boil down to the most important elements by seeing what you still respond to in older pieces.

when skies are grey said...

Your question actually made me remember more clearly--I'm pretty sure the assignment was to drypoint etch (w/ the metal scribe tool) the entire metal plate. In order to get your highlights or lighter parts you had to come back with a burnishing tool and smooth down the etched parts. So the notes (I think) were to remind myself where I'd be trying to attain a mid-grey.
Thanks for asking Shanney, it makes me want to print again.

Cara O'Sullivan said...

I can just imagine a retrospective publication/exhibition.

- 'The Early Years' is obviously a very beautiful chapter.

Hope you find the etching!

when skies are grey said...

What sweet words Cara, thank you.