My little garden is coming along nicely. I touched a tendril from a pea plant to the rope I put up and within a day and a half, it had wrapped itself around five times! The arugula (or rocket) I planted a little over a month ago has been providing us with salads all week. I've been eating it with cannellini beans, pine nuts, shaved parmigiano reggiano, hard boiled egg, avocado, S & P, oil and vinegar and it's so delicious.
Such excitement when things start to grow again!
I sowed some peas and sugar snaps on my windowsill (to plant at our allotment) and they got so big very quickly!
I came across your blog on the weekend. I am totally entranced by the work you do!
I got my hands into my garden for the first time today. I live in Vancouver Canada- we've been waiting for this for a long time! :)
Thanks for sharing your work.
I'm not a big fan of green but I must admit this looks delicious!
mmm, it looks so good! now I got hungry :)
looks delicious!!
I would love to have a garden of my own. It´s great to provide yourself with stuff:)
oh lordy-lord. this looks yummy!!
I was pretty hungry before I visited but now I'm starving :)
mmm, that does look delicious....
that salad looks so yummy and fresh! your garden pictures make me excited for my arugula to grow!
The salad looks amazing!!
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