Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

Last week while it was nice and cold we went for a long walk in the woods (on a trail). We saw this alligator sunning himself on the bank of the lake. When you live here you just assume every lake or stream has alligators in it because chances are very good they do. Strange, huh?


Anne said...

you guys live in a crazy place.
it looks so nice though and I bet your definition off cold is slightly warmer than over this way.
keep your eyes with you and mind how you go :)

Veja cecilia said...

it sure doesn´t look cold, just exotic! Our worlds are so different. i would be so lost in yours and probably eaten by an alligator in about 15 minutes!

Kierstin Bridger said...

Gulp! when it's cold here...we worry about sleep walking bears...
great photos!

Fine Little Day said...

Alligator! Wow, that is so.. exotic (you said it right Cecilia). Awesome to get these peeps from your world Kimberley.

Anonymous said...

Anne, Cecilia, Kierstin and Elisabeth: Even though I've lived her for so long I sometimes still think things like the alligators are a bit odd. A few weeks ago Enzo was heading towards waters edge at another lake. I was telling him to be careful and aware when just then we heard a splash and saw an alligator swimming away.
I love that through our blogs we all get glimpses of each others worlds :)

lola said...

ack, alligators. i like how the forest in the first picture looks burnt and dry and hot. (it does! to me.)

; said...

alligators, for real?! wow, that's so exotic for me. I agree with veja cecilia and fine little day:)

I like the picture.